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Gerry Session 1- Glitch art

Writer: jamesdrakes420jamesdrakes420

Updated: Dec 12, 2022

11/10/22- This was Gerry's first session. This session was around glitch art and using different physical and digital techniques to create different glitched versions of images I have taken.

Artist research-

Michael Betancourt-

Michael Betancourt is an American critical theorist, film theorist, art & film historian, and animator. HIs main publications, focus on the critique of digital capitalism, motion graphics, Visual music, new media art, theory, and formalist study of motion pictures. (wikipedia, N.D)

Betancourt is a pioneer of Glitch art. He is known for making "visually seductive" digital art that brings "visionary" tradition into the present by glitching moving and still media. He has being doing this since 1990.(Betancourt, M. N.D)


Below, these are the experiments I created using different forms of glitching. For the first section of the brief, I used photographs that I have taken in the passed and glitched them using a few different techniques. The techniques I used are Text edit, Photomosh and Hexfiend.

This was created using Text Edit. I decided to create this experiment using text edit because I wanted to experiment with a technique that is known for creating unique and random glitches that will never be able to be remade in text edit.

The images below show the process of using photomosh. I created many experiments using the many features that are available.

This image is the first variation of this edit. This uses the halftone and Lino cut effects to create texture and the harsh black and white tones.

The brightness and contrast filter, brings out more of the texture and lightens up the areas that were really dark.

The vignette creates a dark border around the image, that contrast with the light tones that are present in the centre of the image.

These next experiments were created using the mosh button. This randomises the effects and creates random glitches each time it's used.

The edges tool was used to create this pixelised style image.

These two images use glowing edges and wobble to create this abstract breaking up signal effect.

These two images use the mirror effect to reflect the image. This creates an abstract aesthetic like time is expanding, into a multiverse.

This edit uses the posterise and the vignette filter to create this. The posterise effect creates texture and uses the colour to create heat sensor like tone.

These two edits were created using Text edit and Hex fiend. I used these process by deleting sections of the photographs code. By doing this, it changes the structure of the image, causing it to create unique glitching patterns that can't be replicated

I think this is a successful glitch because it has created different layers where the overall colour of the image changes.

These two glitches, both have similar layers to them however the glitch above has better tones and textures due to the depth that the changing colour has caused.


This is the second section of the brief where we have to create two different portraits. One of them has to have movement and the other has to be still. These images will show progression through the process of creating these portraits.

Text Edit

This is the Final portrait I have created using text edit. I created this portrait using text edit to edit the coding structure of the image. By deleting random sections of the code, it can create unique glitches in the image. However not every image will glitch.

This is a section of code in the text edit window. Changing this code, will allow you to create unique and one off glitch edits that will never be able to replicated.

This is a screen shot of the glitch in Photoshop. I have included this because the texture in this screenshot is stronger but also a lot more clear than the original glitch image.

Here is another text edit glitch I create. I personally prefer this one to the previous glitch because I like how it has been split up into sections but the image isn't blurry or pixilated. The bottom section of the image has a similar aesthetic to when and old tv would break up.

This screenshot shows sections of the code that has been removed to create this glitch.

I decided to take this experiment further by putting it into photoshop. I have mirrored the image to make my face the right side whole.

This screenshot presents what I decided to do to the left section of the image. I decide to put a filter on it using the filter gallery in Photoshop. I used the plaster and the photocopy effects to create this textured aesthetic.

These are the layers of the experiment and the extra filters that were added to enhance it slightly.

This is a final experiment of this glitch portrait. I think that the filters, create a metal texture to the image. This creates contrast between each section of the image. The dark tones on the left, contrast with the bright tones on the right.

Hex Fiend

I decided to experiment with Hex Fiend. This is because this is a new software that I have never used before. It is similar to text edit but instead of deleting the code, you can replace numbers and letters in the code, that will change the structure of your image causing it to glitch.

Here is a screen shot of the image, whilst I was using Hex Fiend, to show the progress of the glitch. Below is a gallery that contains each step of the glitch from the start of the process till the end.

This is the final portrait for the Hex fiend experiment. This glitch is very subtle as the glitch mainly effects the top and bottom sections of the image. I think that this experiment is a strong one as it shows that not all of the glitches will be as strong as others will be.

Text Edit

This is an experiment using text edit. I think this is a strong experiment because I feel that this experiment isn't overwhelming to look at and the image is still recognisable.

These images are some screen shots of the use of text edit and the process of creating this experiment.

Below, is a gallery that contains screenshots of each step of the process to create this experiment. I have documented each step to show the glitching process from the original image to the final version.


This is the first experiment that uses movement. I used photomask to create multiple variations and experiments.

This is the first movement experiment for the portraits. This was created using Photo Mosh.

This is a still variation of the movement experiment. I decided to include this variation, to show what the movement experiment would look like if it was used as static image.

Here are two galleries that contain experiments that explore the use of colour filters and posterising.

This gallery contains experiments that use the DuoTone filter to create abstract combinations of colours. The Duotone filter also creates rough textures in the images that create depth between each object like hair, clothing, skin and the background.

These images continue to use the Duotone filter. However I decided to also experiment with posterising and using the dot matrix filter. I wanted to explore the use of texture in my portrait. BY using these filters, brings out the textures that blend into the un edited version of the photograph.

This image is a continuation of the duotone experiments. However I have added the slice filter to create a choppy effect. This image is a still version of the final motion portrait.

This is the final piece for the movement portrait. This image is a continuation of the duotone experiments. However I have added the slice filter to create a choppy effect. This has an old tv aesthetic to it due to the coulis and the choppy movement.

Photoshop glitch

For my last experiments, I decided to use photoshop to experiment with layout and filters.

This experiment was created by overlaying copies of the same image with different amounts of opacity and fill. This has created a motion blur aesthetic.

This gallery contains steps that were taken to create the motion blur image and the colour experiment I created to take this experiment further.

This utilises a glowing edges filter that can be found in the filter gallery in Photoshop. The filter uses white to outline the image that is overlayed over the other copies.

This also utilises a glowing edges filter that can be found in the filter gallery in Photoshop. However instead of a single filter, this is two layers of the glowing edge filter overlayed to create texture in the background and foreground of the image. The white filter used in the previous version has been combined with a blue filter to create this overlap of colour and texture.


Wikipedia. (N.D). Michael Betancourt.

Betancourt, M. (N.D). research artist, critical theorist.


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