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Sara: Motion Graphics session 1- Exploring Geometry

Writer: jamesdrakes420jamesdrakes420

Updated: Dec 12, 2022

04/10/22 - This workshop was re introduction on using Adobe after effects. In this session, we used After Effects to create a short 10 second video that is made up from smaller 1 second animations.

The first thing we did in this session, was creating these shapes in Illustrator, that we will then use in after effects. The files in Illustrator are in a 1920x1080 size because that is the standard screen size that is used in After Effects.

This gallery shows each individual illustration before they have been added into after effects.

Before the illustrator files have to be imported into after effects, you need to make sure that every object in the file is on its own layer, so that each layer is free to be animated in the after effects stage.

Here are the settings that I used for each composition. The frame rate and size of the composition, are the standard for uk digital media. Each composition is 1 second long, so that each element explored will be put together to create a longer 10 second video.

These three images, show the steps to creating the Venetian blinds effect. This can be found under the effects drop down. This is a transition where the solid object can be split up using lines or other shapes and they move like a fade transition to show the background. The example that I created uses lines that start thinner and they becoming larger as they spread out. This can be used to transition between different sections or different clips. The screen shot of the time line presents ho wI have used key framing to create motion.

Here presents Layer> New> Solid tool. I decided to document this because through out this session, this tool was frequently used within each composition

This screen shot shows why you need to create layers for each object in your Illustrator files. This is because each layer will be available when you insert the file into after effects, which will allow you to use each illustrator object freely.

This shows what I have changed, to create motion in my composition using the different transformation tools.

The composition documented here was created using the shape tool in after effects. I started with a circle, then I started to play with the anchor points, moving and manipulating them. This led the to the creation of the shape present in the image above. This object features in a composition that uses many of this shape, from movement into the frame to expanding into the whole frame to create a green overlay.

This composition uses code to create different effects and movements. This allows you to include different motions and effects with out manually moving objects and using key frames.

This composition is the first use of code in the session. This code is Transform.position. This can be used to move the object. The orange text shows the position of the object that can be changed.

This is another use of the code in After Effects. This piece of code is Called Wiggle paths. This allows you to make a shape have a motion effect that makes a static object have blurry style movement.

This highlighted section- Wiggles/second allows you to change how fast or slow you want the shape to wiggle.

This is an example of the use of this code. However the command works better with shapes that only have an outline compared to objects that have a coloured fill.

This is the creation of my main composition where all of the smaller 1 second compositions will be combined into a longer 10 second comp.

Here is the render queue, where the video will be exported from when rendered.

This is the render settings that can be found by clicking on the blue text next to output module. This menu contains all of the output settings. I have changed the video codec, I have changed this by clicking on format options. I have changed it to Apple Pro Res 444 XQ because it renders smoother and quickly on the Macs in the graphics studio.

When you have changed the settings to your preference, select ok then you will need to click on the blue text next to out put source to select the area you will export it to. I suggest that you have a folder with all the resources you have used in your compositions, save it in there. After that, you can click the render button in the right corner of the render queue box. This should export your video with out any errors.

Here is the screen after the video has been rendered and exported. All of the blue text should be graded out, due to the video being exported. If there are any errors with your video, they should pop up in the box.

This is my final composition below. This has been uploaded to Vimeo where you can also find other motion pieces that I have created in year 1.

Personal Studies

Artist research-


Manalishi is Brighton based designer Simon Hill. He specialises in animation and motion based pieces. His work mainly uses shapes to create abstract transitions and objects. He has also used techniques like rotoscoping. Manalishi has worked with companies like Channel 4, Mattel, Vodafone, Extinction rebellion.

I am interested in his work because I like the simplistic style that he uses throughout. The hand drawn aesthetic also interests me because I think that it looks interesting when animated in after effects.

Personal Development

This video is a further development and use of after effects. I used some of the imagery used in the video created in the workshop, however I decided to create some more original objects. Sections of this animation, were inspired by Simon Hill's work and how he uses layers of shapes to create a journey through the animation.

I decided to create some new compositions that experimented with shape layers. I tried to create a composition that utilises a similar motion to Hill's piece, that creates a journey through the animation, creating a blackhole effect. The compositions are made up from shapes drawn in After effects and objects from the layers of the illustrator drawings that were created for workshop. In this further development, I was trying to experiment with movement further by exploring movement of shape and the use of transition effects.



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